Dog Control Policy and Bylaw
Every council must have a policy on dog control. While there are statutory requirements under the Dog Control Act 1996 that must be included in every Council's policy, there are some matters of discretion.
Section 14 of the Dog Control Act 1996 authorises Animal Services Officers entry onto any property if they have good cause to suspect that an offence against the Act or against any bylaw is being committed.
Read the 2022-23 Dog Control Policy and Practices report for more information.
Dog Control Policy
Our Dog Control Policy provides guidance and consistency for Council, staff and members of the public on the approach to dog control in this District.
The objectives of Council's policy are:
- To provide adequate opportunities to fulfil the exercise and recreational needs of dogs and their owners, including off leash exercise
- To minimise the danger, distress and nuisance of dogs to the community generally
- To minimise the likelihood for conflict between dogs and the public or environment, by restricting access for dogs to public places where appropriate
- To avoid danger from uncontrolled dogs having access to public places which are frequented by children whether or not the children are accompanied by adults
- To minimise, to the extent that is practicable, the public fear of attack or intimidation by dogs.
- To actively promote the responsible ownership of dogs
- To actively promote public safety and education.
Dog Control Bylaw
Council also has a Dog Control Bylaw, which is used to give legal powers to implement the policy, determine what is considered to be an offence, and the consequences of committing an offence
This Bylaw gives effect to the Dog Control Policy for the District. The key matters covered in the bylaw are:
- Prevention of public nuisance
- A limit of two dogs for premises in urban and lifestyle areas - owners may apply for a permit to keep additional dogs
- Identification of public places where dogs must be on a leash or are prohibited
- Minimum standards for the welfare of dogs
- Requirements for dogs classified as menacing or dangerous; and
- Council's impounding and disposal processes.
Stock control
For information on the Impounding Act 1955 and Council's stock control bylaws please see the links below:
Livestock Movement Bylaw 2014 (PDF, 318KB)
Livestock Movement Bylaw - Average Annual Daily Traffic (PDF, 1.53KB)