Community Plans
Community Plans are effective tools for capturing and prioritising the aspirations of communities and providing a 'roadmap' for how to get there. Developing a Community Plan is a comprehensive exercise that covers a broad range of community goals and issues. The process is led by the community, but our Community Team provide support throughout the development and implementation phases, and offer advice as to what needs to be done, and when.
Many communities in the Western Bay have undertaken this process, and found it to be a very rewarding and positive experience - you can view these plans below. If your community is interested in developing a Community Plan, the first steps are to download our Community Planning Readiness Toolkit, or contact our Community Team by emailing
This plan is about the people of Katikati and recognises the connections between all parts of the community, the wider district and region. It acknowledges the importance of community connectiveness and what it means to belong.
The Community Board also created a Town Centre Plan. The focus of this plan is to achieve a high-functioning town centre: a strong community focus, a thriving visitor experience, and good conditions for local employment and quality of life.
'Ko ahau a Maketu - Ko Maketu ahau; We are Maketu - Maketu is us'.
This plan details the unique character of the Maketu community, environment, history, its cultural depth and specifies actions that will help the community shape the future.
The Ōmokoroa Community Plan (2017) expresses the aspirations of the growing community of Ōmokoroa for the next 10 years. We live in a special part of New Zealand and all need to be active in ensuring that culture, arts, community amenities, environment, recreation and land-use keep pace with our population growth to the benefit of all residents.
This Plan expresses the hopes and dreams of the Paengaroa community for the next ten years and charts a pathway to make these become a reality through a community partnership with Council and involving other external agencies. The primary aim of this Plan is to empower the Paengaroa community to take ownership and control of its own future and prosperity.
- Paengaroa Community Plan 2015 - 2025The 2015-2025 Paengaroa Community Plan was launched on 19 February, 2015.
Te Puke
The 20-year review was initially developed in 2004 to signal the direction the community wished to take economically, socially, environmentally and culturally, and detail the actions needed to achieve the goals. The 2016 Review is the result of community-wide consultation that sought comments and suggestions to further progress the 20 years plans aspirations.
Te Puna
This Plan outlines the goals of the community. The Plan helps everybody to see their part, and collective community energy can be harnessed to protect the things they treasure. It gives strength to those who undertake, and advocate for, projects that increase wellbeing and enhance the local environment.
This Plan seeks to offer the people of Te Puna:
- An insight in to the community aspirations and a roadmap as to how they may be achieved
- An opportunity to test the concept and the framework for identifying, maintaining and protecting the area's rural character' from a community perspective
- A guide to developing a strong community and to identify significant dates and events for the next 10 years
- The basis for ongoing relationships and co-created projects.
Waihī Beach
This Plan is for the entire Waihī Beach ward and includes Bowentown and Athenree. It's driven by interest group representatives within the community and sets out their vision and direction for Waihī Beach by 2029.