Oropi is a long established rural community in Western Bay that lies to the east of Pyes Pa.
It has a strong forestry/timber milling and farming history. Today its community is a mix of lifestyle blocks and small farms/orchards/floriculture.
A recreational and ecological feature of this area is the Otainewainuku Forest. Covered in virgin unlogged forest, Otanewainuku is home to a variety of native birds, including kiwi. Large emergent rimu trees are common. Tawa, kamahi and rewarewa form a high canopy and bird species such as robin and bell bird are readily seen and heard.
Since 2002 a volunteer trust – Otanewainuku Kiwi Trust - has been helping to conserve the precious wildlife. Kiwi, whiteheads and forest gecko are all found here. Recent releases of kiwi and kokako have proved successful.
The Otanewainuku Kiwi Trust was formed by Te Puke Forest and Bird and other members of the community concerned at the decline of North Island brown kiwi in the Otanewainuku forest. The Trust operates under a Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Conservation which administers the land and provides technical advice and guidance on pest control and translocation of birds.
Amenities and services:
- Community hall
- Cemetery
- Primary school
- Walking tracks – Otanewainuku Forest