Long Term Plan (LTP) 2015 - 2025
Council adopted its Long Term Plan (LTP) 2015 - 2025 on Thursday, 25 June 2015, with the work programme coming into effect on Wednesday, 1 July 2015.
Council received more than 1000 submissions from ratepayers. More than 125 people or groups also spoke to their submissions at a series of hearings held in early May 2015.
The Key Decisions Document
We've created a key decisions document to explain Council's decision on the key topics of the 2015-2025 LTP. You can view this here - we have broken it into smaller parts to allow for easier downloading.
Part 1 - Introduction (PDF, 3MB)
Part 2 - Balancing the Books, District Cycle Trails, Funding for Stormwater (p1) (PDF, 2.7MB)
Part 4 - Library & Service Centres, Heritage Museum, Seal Extensions on Rural Roads. (PDF, 2.8MB)
The 2015 - 2025 Long Term Plan
In a nutshell, the Long Term Plan (LTP) outlines what communities in the Western Bay want to achieve in the long term and sets a pathway for Council to reach these objectives through strategies and actions.
The LTP sets the pace for the District for the next 10 years. If follows a comprehensive community engagement process, with significant interest and input from Western Bay Residents.
The LTP has been arranged in chapters to make it easy for you to navigate.
Chapter Two - Informing Our Planning
Chapter Three - Activities
Building Communities
Communities strategy
- Libraries and service centre
-Community facilities
- Civil defence and emergency management
Protecting the environment
Natural Environment
Solid waste
Supporting our economy
Support services