Long Term Plans
Long Term Plan (LTP) 2021-2031
Western Bay of Plenty District Council adopted it's Long Term Plan 2021 on 29 June 2021.
Long Term Plan (LTP) 2009-2019
This plan was adopted on 30 June 2009, after a public consultation process held in April/May 2009 which attracted 700 submitters.
Long Term Plan (LTP) 2012-2022
This plan was adopted on 28 June 2012, after a public consultation process held in May 2012 which attracted 406 submitters.
Long Term Plan (LTP) 2015 - 2025
This plan was adopted on 25 June 2015, after a public consultation process held in May 2015 which attracted more than 125 submitters.
Long Term Plan (LTP) 2018-2028
Council adopted its audited amendment to the Long Term Plan 2018-2028 on 26 June 2019.