Tauriko for Tomorrow is a collaborative project driven by four key partners, Western Bay of Plenty District Council, Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Tauranga City Council and the NZ Transport Agency.
Together we are implementing the vision of SmartGrowth for the wider region, starting in Tauriko West.
The vision for Tauriko for Tomorrow is to create a thriving community for locals to live, learn, work and play locally. This means the community will have amenities such as schools, parks, cycle and walkways, access to shopping and community facilities, and transport infrastructure.
Tauranga and the Western Bay of Plenty continue to experience strong population growth and as a result, more land is needed for housing.
We have identified Tauriko West as an ideal location to create a new community, able to accommodate an estimated 3,000 new dwellings from 2021.
Our role
Building a community at Tauriko West will require changes to the Regional Policy Statement, State Highway Realignment and designation, and Tauranga City Plan. Discussions between Western Bay and Tauranga City councils about a proposed boundary change are also underway.
All these changes will need to be implemented in accordance with the Resource Management Act 1991.
The reason for a boundary change is because the majority of the land for Tauriko West currently sits within the Western Bay of Plenty District boundary.
Without a boundary change the Western Bay of Plenty District Council would be responsible for everything on one side of the boundary line and Tauranga City Council responsible for the other.
It makes sense that the growth area falls within one council's jurisdiction so there is the same set of rules and services for everyone that lives there.
Adjusting the boundary also offers consistency with things such as the administration of bylaws and the delivery of council services including roading, footpaths, reserves, water supply and wastewater, as well as governance - including political representation and the setting of rates.