Te Puna Commercial Zone
Community engagement
We engaged with the Te Puna community in August - November 2018 to understand their expectations for the future of the commercial zone. More than 80 people shared their views on the commercial area through on-line engagement and at two open days held in October 2018. Meetings were also held with local hapū and key interest groups.
If you would like to read more about what the community told us, follow the link below:
- Summary of community engagement outcomes (PDF 82KB)
Issues and options
Five key areas of concern were identified as a result of that consultation:
- wastewater infrastructure
- transportation including the need for improved walking and cycling connections
- future options for the commercial zone
- the look and feel of the commercial zone
- where the village fits in the bigger picture of Te Puna's development.
If you would like to read more about the issues and options identified, follow the link below:
Where we're at
Council considered the community engagement outcomes and issues/options at the Policy Committee on 21 February 2019 and provided the following direction on the five issues identified by the community:
- 1B: Investigation into issues/options for a community wastewater scheme for the Te Puna commercial zone
- 1D: Investigate options for strengthening District Plan rule. Explore options for how District Plan rules may better manage wastewater in this commercial zone in the future.
- 2B: Discuss with NZTA/BOPRC options for improving pedestrian access across SH2, bus routes, and park and ride facilities. Determine viability of improvements how this relates to decisions on the Tauranga Northern Link timing.
Commercial zone:
- 3B: Explore options for the potential extension of commercial zone on the Te Puna Road northern side. Look at options for achieving wider objectives for the site (identified by the community through this process). Consider adjacent landowner issues with any potential expansion. Consider the type of activities that might be accommodated in an expansion. Consider outcome of Issue 4. Previous plans have indicated the need for light industrial as well as commercial.
- 3C: Explore options for the potential extension of commercial zone on the Minden Road southern side (and to follow property boundaries). Look at options for achieving wider objectives for the site (identified by the community through this process). Consider adjacent landowner issues with any potential expansion. Consider the type of activities that might be accommodated in an expansion. Consider outcome of Issue 4.
The ability to commence these options is largely dependent on the outcome of Issue 1: Wastewater.
- 4C: Facilitate community project to incorporate/promote village theme and art, heritage, cultural features into commercial zone Work with the community and landowners/businesses to come up with a plan for how this can be realised including consideration of design elements and landscaping, and explore options for funding implementation of this.
- 4D: Investigate options for strengthening District Plan rules Look at how design/landscaping objectives/policies/rules can be strengthened to achieve improved outcomes for commercial zones such as Te Puna.
Bigger picture:
- 5B: Develop a structure plan for the Te Puna commercial zone (and potential adjacent land to consider future development). Consider how all key issues raised in this paper could be responded to through the structure plan process. Community engagement essential part of the process.
Select this link to read the media release: Council acts on Te Puna Village feedback. Issued on Friday 22 February 2018.
Next steps
We thank you for your input into this process and will provide updates on where we are at with the areas of direction provided. Key stakeholders and the community will be advised on the committee's recommendations and the next steps to be taken.
The community engagement outcomes along with the Te Puna Community Plan will be available and used to help inform other processes such as the Tauranga Northern Link discussions and SmartGrowth discussions as it provides a good picture of community expectations for this area of commercial activity.