Mobile Recycling Service
What is the service and how does it work?
The service see two recycling trailers travel between rural locations in the District. They stay in one location for a specified time on a Saturday morning when you can drop off recyclables, and they return on a fortnightly basis. At the end of the session the trailer and contents are removed for consolidation at our recycling centres, ready for its next scheduled outing.
What can I recycle?
- Clean glass beverage and food jars - green, clear, brown (no lids)
- Clean plastics -numbers 1, 2, 5 only (no lids)
- Clean tins and drink cans
- Flattened cardboard and paper
There will be a Council team member on site at all times to answer questions and help you sort your recycling.
The trailers have a limited capacity, so we can only accept household amount of recycling, this service is not intended for commercial use or for large items like fridge boxes.
Who can use the service?
The service primarily serves rural residents who don’t qualify for kerbside collection services, and have to travel a long way to get to a recycling facility.
How is the service funded? Is there a cost?
The mobile recycling units, are custom built trailers that have been funded by Council through the Waste Minimisation Fund, with support from the Glass Packaging Forum.
There’s no cost to drop off your recycling.
Who sets the schedule? Will it change?
The schedule is based on community feedback and availability of sites. The schedule will be reviewed as necessary.
How will we stop people from dumping rubbish in the mobile recycling trailers?
A Council team member will stay with the mobile recycling units at all times. They will be available to help people sort their recycling correctly and ensure that the trailer isn’t contaminated with unrecyclable items.