2017/2018 Annual Plan
This graph shows Council's Debt Forecast
As many of the assets we build are expected to be used over the next 20 to 100 years, we cannot rate for it all at once. In order to finance this expenditure we need to borrow from the banks to do this.
The graph shows the forecast debt balances for the current 2016/17 year, the 2017/18 year and the Long Term Plan forecast for 2017/18. As you can see the movement is a positive one, with debt expected to be $19m lower than the Long Term Plan Forecast.
The reduced balance is the result of project deferrals, improved financial contribution and user fees income and savings made on the One Network Maintenance roading contract in 2015.
By not consulting, isn't that a bit different to what's happened in the past?
Yes it is. In 2014 the government made changes to the Local Government Act 2002 - one of the key pieces of legislation that dictates what Councils must do.
These changes mean that Council doesn't have to follow a prescriptive and expensive process called the Special Consultative Procedure for the Annual Plan if there are no big changes or new proposals that had not been signalled in the past.
The thinking behind this change was to encourage councils and communities to place a greater focus on planning for the longer-term and making decisions that gave clearer direction and certainty to residents.
The Long Term Plan (LTP) is the key strategic document that does this. It sets our roadmap for the next three years and looks out as far as 10.
Planning is underway for the 2018-2028 Long Term Plan and we will be keeping you updated on how you can get involved and how it may affect you over the next 15 months.
What's the LTP?
In a nutshell, the LTP outlines what communities in the Western Bay want to achieve in the next 10 years and sets a pathway for Council to reach these objectives.
This year however, we're getting on with what we said we'd do.
Council has a number of projects that are currently underway. These include:
Kaimai Ward
- Omokoroa Road roundabout
- Special Housing Area
- Greenwaste - We'll be discussing options with the Omokoroa community soon
- Te Puna wastewater system
Te Puke/Maketu Ward
- Te Puke Hall seismic strengthening
Katikati/Waihi Beach Ward
- Katikati Service Centre, Library and Hub. Construction will be completed in the 2017/18 year.
- Ongare Point wastewater system
District-wide projects include:
- Road seal extension and widening
- District wide water metering project in the western supply zone (Katikati to Waihi Beach)