Alcohol Licensing - FAQs
What is intoxication and how do I recognise it?
Intoxicated means to be observably affected by alcohol, other drugs, or other substances (or a combination of two or all of those things) to such a degree that two or more of the following are evident: (a) appearance is affected; (b) behaviour is impaired; (c) coordination is impaired; (d) speech is impaired.
Helpful tools to access and prevent intoxication:
Do I have to serve someone?
No you do not. You are not obliged to serve anybody under Section 24 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
What do I do if I see a minor being served/given alcohol?
Your first step should be to note down as many details as you can regarding the incident, and contact the non-urgent Police number on 105 or the Alcohol Licensing Inspector to report it so that they can investigate further.
Do I need a resource consent for my event or licence?
Please seek planning advice from the Duty Planner (call 0800 926 732). You will need to know the size and nature of the event for a special licence. For an on/off/club licence you will need to know where you intend the premises to be.
I don't like the noise coming from a nearby licensed premise - what can I do?
Do not hesitate to call the Council irrespective of the time of day. This will allow the site to be visited and an assessment to be undertaken. If it continues to be an issue, we suggest contacting the licence holder and logging a complaint with them (keep a note of the date, time, and outcome).
Further to this you can lodge a complaint with the Council to go to the Alcohol Licensing Inspector - please send through details of any contact made with the licence holder. The Inspector may be able to talk with the licensee to arrange a resolution.
Issues of amenity and good order (including noise) are considered when a licence comes up for renewal. If you feel the issues have not been resolved you may wish to consider making an objection to the licence at renewal time.
I am concerned about some alcohol advertising - what do I do?
Please take as many details as possible and contact the Alcohol Licensing Inspector.
Can I raffle alcohol for a fundraising event?
No. Alcohol cannot be offered as a prize. Under the Gambling (Prohibited Property) Regulations 2005 it is an offence to offer or use alcohol as a prize for gambling activities, for example raffle prizes.