Special Licences
View our Frequently Asked Questions on special licences
Types of Special Licence
On Licence - Premises
This is the most common type of special licence. It means that you are selling alcohol at an event for consumption on the premises. A sale may also include selling tickets to an event which includes alcohol.
On Licence - Conveyance
A conveyance means an aircraft, coach (bus), ferry, hovercraft, ship, train, or other vehicle, used to transport people. It also includes part of a conveyance. This type of special licence applies where alcohol is being sold (or tickets being sold) for consumption on a conveyance.
Off Licence - Premises
This type of special licence is only available to a manufacturer, distributor, importer, or wholesaler of alcohol. It applies where alcohol is sold for consumption off site - such as a stall holder at an event.
DLC Christmas Closure - Reminder to Apply Early for Special Licence
If you’re planning on holding an event this summer that requires a special licence, please make sure to plan ahead and submit your application as soon as possible.
In the past people have missed out on holding special licence events due to the late filing of applications.
Under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012, all applications must be made at least 20 working days before the event is held, although exceptions can be considered by the DLC for unforeseen events.
20 working days does not include the days that the DLC is closed (from 20 December to the 15 January annually).
Therefore, all special licence applications for events over the Christmas and New Year period are required before 20 November 2025.
This ensures that the agencies have time report and so licences can be issued prior to the Council Christmas closure.