Plan Change 47 - 68
Decision Reports (June 2015)
Click the appropriate link to view the documents:
- PC47 - Lots for network utilities, electric generating infrastructure, reserves & public space
- PC48 - Future urban & rural residential yards for habitable buildings
- PC49 - Waihi Beach town centre, gross floor area increases
- PC50 - Definition of kennels/catteries
- PC51 - Radio & telecommunication facilities attached to building structures
- PC52 - Protection lot rule
- PC53 - Protection lots for esplanades
- PC54 - Boundary adjustment rule
- PC55 - Cumulative effects of multiple accessory buildings on rural lots 2HA or less
- PC56 - Frost protection fans - height and cumulative noise
- PC57 - Additional dwellings - recreation & leisure financial contributions
- PC58 - Cross lease flat plans - primary risk coastal protection areas
- PC59 - Definition of soils engineer
- PC60 - Definition of cleanfill
- PC61 - Parking provisions for dwellings in town centres
- PC62 - Omokoroa financial contributions
- PC63 - Garage & carport performance standard for minor dwellings in the lifestyle zone
- PC64 - Floor area provisions
- PC65 - Landscape features in residential zones
- PC66 - Historic heritage - clarifies whether particular rules apply to cultural or built features
- PC67 - Rural contractor depots - setback for sensitive activities
- PC68 - Deletion of built heritage feature 31
Decisions versions of District Plan (June 2015)
Click the appropriate link to view the documents:
- Section 3 - Definitions
- Section 4b - Transportation access & parking
- Section 4c - Amenity
- Section 7 - Historic heritage
- Section 8 - Natural hazards
- Section 10 - Infrastructure, network, utilities & design
- Section 11 - Financial contributions
- Section 12 - Subdivision & development
- Section 14 - Medium density
- Section 15 - Future urban
- Section 16 - Rural residential
- Section 17 - Lifestyle
- Section 18 - Rural
- Section 19 - Commercial
- Section 21 - Industrial
- Section 23 - All Terrain Park
- Appendix 3 - Schedule of Identified Significant Historic Heritage Features
- Appendix 4 - Schedule of proposed esplanade reserves & strips
- Appendix 7 - Structure plans
- Planning maps
Planning Reports (April 2015)
- 47 - Lots for Network Utilities, Electricity Generating Infrastructure, Reserves, Public Space (PDF 112KB)
- 48 - Future Urban and rural-Residential Yards for Habitable Buildings (PDF 159KB)
- 49 - Waihi Beach Town Centre - Gross Floor Area Increases (PDF 109KB)
- 50 - Definition of Kennels/Catteries (PDF 102KB)
- 51 - Radio and Telecommunication Facilities attached to Building/Structures (PDF 181KB)
- 52 - Protection Lot Rule (PDF 1.16MB)
- 53 - Protection Lots for Esplanades (PDF 252KB)
- 54 - Boundary Adjustment Rule (PDF 149 KB)
- 55 - Cumulative Effects of Multiple Accessory Buildings on Rural Lots 2ha or Less (PDF 169KB)
- 56 - Frost Protection Fans - Height and Cumulative Noise (PDF 171KB)
- 57 - Additional Dwellings - Recreation and Leisure Financial Contributions (PDF 152KB)
- 58 - Cross Lease Flat Plans - Primary Risk Coastal Protection Areas (PDF 151KB)
- 59 - Definition of Soils Engineer (PDF 147KB)
- 60 - Definition of Cleanfill (PDF 109KB)
- 61 - Parking Provisions for Dwellings in Town Centres (PDF 144KB)
- 62 - Omokoroa Financial Contributions (PDF 1.19MB)
- 63 - Garage and Carport Performance Standard for Minor Dwellings in the Lifestyle Zone (PDF 107KB)
- 64 - Floor Area Provisions (PDF 648KB)
- 65 - Landscape Features in Residential Zones (PDF 1.91MB)
- 66 - Historic Heritage - Clarification - Particular Rules Apply to Cultural or Built Features (PDF 2.56MB)
- 67 - Rural Contractors Depots - Setbacks for Sensitive Activities (PDF 153 KB)
- 68 - Deletion of Built Heritage Feature 31 (Former Union Bank Building) (PDF 2.05MB)
Notification (November 2014)
Supporting Information
- Public Notice Proposed Plan Changes 47-68 (PDF, 39.9KB)
- Summary of Submissions (Original and Further Submission) (PDF, 930KB)
- Original Submissions with Submission Points (PDF, 6.16MB)
- Submitter List by Name (PDF, 61.8KB)
- Submitter List by ID (PDF, 61.1KB)
- Summary of Recommendations from all Section 32 Reports