District Plan Committee
- To enable effective decision making with regard to Resource Management Act 1991 matters, including district plan changes, private plan changes and resource consent matters.
- All functions, duties and obligations as set out in the Resource Management Act 1991 relevant to plan changes, private plan changes and district plan reviews and any other matter processed under Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991, including hearing submissions and making recommendations to Council for the approval of plan changes, private plan changes and plan reviews.
- All functions, duties and obligations as set out in the Resource Management Act 1991 relevant to hearing of submissions and making decisions on notified resource consent applications.
- To make decisions on any other Resource Management Act 1991 matter referred to the Committee by the General Manager Regulatory Services or General Manager Strategy and Community.
- To receive reports on appeals to the Environment Court on Committee or Independent Hearings Commissioner decisions made in relation to plan changes, private plan changes, and notified resource consent applications, and to provide guidance to staff authorised to negotiate and settle appeals on Council’s behalf.
Power to act:
- To hear and make decisions on plan changes, private plan changes and district plan reviews and any other matter processed under Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991 and to recommend to Council decisions on submissions and approval of plan changes and private plan changes or any other matter, as required.
- To hear and make decisions on notified resource consent applications where submissions have been received.
- The power to co-opt expert advice on an ‘as required’ basis.
- The power to appoint Independent Hearings Commissioners and to appoint Hearings Panels of appropriately qualified members and/or Independent Hearings Commissioners in accordance with the Appointment of Independent Hearings Commissioner Policy, or any other relevant legislative requirement.
- The power to conduct joint hearings with other local authorities where necessary and expedient to do so, including the power to appoint members and/ or Independent Hearings Commissioners to Joint Hearings Committees.
- To make decisions on any resource consent application where the reporting officer is recommending that the application be refused.
- To make decisions on section 357 objections to conditions under the Resource Management Act 1991 where the reporting officer is recommending that the application be declined (either in whole or in part).
- To make decisions where draft consent orders would represent a minor change in policy direction from the District Plan and to authorise settlement of those consent orders with the Environment Court by Council’s solicitors acting on behalf of Council.
- The power to establish and amend hearings protocols relating to the general conduct of hearings and hearings-related matters in accordance with the applicable legislation and the principles of administrative law and natural justice.
- To make decisions on any other Resource Management Act 1991 matter referred to the Committee by the General Manager Regulatory Services or General Manager Strategy and Community.
Chairperson’s delegations:
- Should there be insufficient time for staff to consult with the Committee on any appeal to the Environment Court in relation to a decision made pursuant to the Resource Management Act 1991, the Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson (where the Chairperson is not available) may provide guidance to staff, and report back to the next scheduled meeting of the Committee.