Annual Plan and Long Term Plan Committee
To undertake on behalf of Council all processes and actions precedent to the final adoption of the Annual Plan, Long Term Plan and any amendments including, but not limited to:
- The development of consultation documents and supporting information,
- Community engagement approaches and associated special consultative processes (if required), and
- The review of policies and strategies required to be adopted and consulted on under the Local Government Act 2002 including the financial strategy, treasury management strategies and the infrastructure strategy.
- In relation to the Annual Plan and Long Term Plan, listen to and receive the presentation of views by people and engage in spoken interaction in relation to any matters Council undertakes to consult under the Local Government Act 2002.
- Receive audit reports in relation to the Long Term Plan and any amendments (prior to adopting a Consultation Document).
Power to act:
- To make all decisions necessary to fulfil the role and scope of the Committee subject to the limitations imposed, including the adoption for the purposes of consultation under the Local Government Act 2002 of the Consultation Document and Supporting Information
- Receive audit reports in relation to the Long Term Plan and any amendments (prior to adopting a Consultation Document).
Power to recommend:
- To Council and/or any Committee as it deems appropriate.
Power to sub-delegate:
The Committee may delegate any of its functions, duties or powers to a subcommittee, working group or other subordinate decision-making body subject to the restrictions on its delegations and provided that any sub-delegation includes a statement of purpose and specification of task.