WBOPDC Building Services Complaints Policy
The Western Bay of Plenty BCA value our customer's feedback and are committed to ensuring customers, citizens, ratepayers and visitors have the best possible experience.
All complaints are taken seriously and every effort will be made to resolve the issue. All comments will be used as an opportunity to learn and improve services.
Policy Purpose
The purpose of the policy is to explain:
- The definition of a complaint and a suggestion
- Principles that will be applied when dealing with complaints and suggestions
Policy Scope
This policy applies specifically to complaints and suggestions. "LGOIMA", "Privacy" and "Ombudsman" requests are managed under the relevant legislation.
The policy applies to the Western Bay of Plenty BCA.
Comments, Complaints and Suggestions
As part of our commitment to providing outstanding customer service we want to know when you are satisfied or not satisfied with the service you receive.