Te Keteparaha Mō Ngā Papakāinga - Māori Housing Toolkit
E ngā waka, e ngā reo, e ngā kaupapa tangata, piki mai, kake mai, he wāhi mihi tenei ki a koutou katoa e rangatira mā.
Tēnā koutou katoa. I tēnei pukapuka he kete paraha mahi mō ngā papakāinga.
Te Keteparaha mō ngā Papakāinga
The Māori Housing Toolkit is a step-by-step guide designed to assist Māori to develop papakāinga proposals (development plan) on multiple owned Māori land. The concept of papakāinga is not new and has traditionally been associated with Māori housing in a Marae setting. Papakāinga includes other activities such as: kōhanga reo, kura kaupapa, health clinic, horticulture or agriculture land uses, sports and/or recreational areas, urupā and heritage sites etc.
Developing Māori land is time consuming and challenging because of the large number of people and organisations involved with separate processes and compliance standards. The process recognises the joint customary ownership complexities and nuances of Māori freehold land that create additional hurdles and costs for whānau to meet compared with the relative ease of building homes on an individual freehold title.
In order to achieve the outcomes of the first 3 Steps of the toolkit, you will require a commitment from the trustees and other shareholders / whānau to work for the collective benefit of all the current and future owners in the land. The voluntary nature of this establishment phase of the Trusts journey are the seeds that grow a common social, cultural and environmental commitment by whānau to the whenua.
The toolkit breaks the whole process up into five steps. Each step is broken down into achievable actions, questions, decisions and the next step in a timely manner.
Download the Māori Housing Toolkit
Papakāinga Brochure
This brochure provides some
background on the process
involved in successfully
developing housing on
multiple-owned Māori land.
What is the purpose, vision and rationale for
your proposed papakāinga?
In a nutshell, why are you doing this?
The essence of Rangahau is research and
fact finding and requires you / the Trust
to gather information from the Māori Land
Court and the respective Council about your
Māori land block.
The next part of the journey
requires you to pull the
rest of the whānau on
board. You’ll need to start
by calling a meeting with
the landowners. The Māori
Land Court staff are the best
people to seek advice on
how to do this.
Te Pae Tuawha - Ngā Mahi Hangarau (technical work) refers to the detailed
technical design, drawings, options and associated costs necessary to progress
and confirm the Trust’s papakāinga proposal.
The fifth and final Step in the Maori Housing Toolkit
collates the technical costs from Step 4 to determine
the “Total Housing Costs for the Project.