Hot, dry forecast leads to sprinkler restrictions
An alternate day sprinkler ban is now in place across the Western Bay of Plenty.
Looking at a forecast of hot, dry weather ahead, increasing water demand and decreasing water storage levels, Western Bay of Plenty District Council’s ban is an effort to hopefully avoid imposing further restrictions over the summer.
Council Utilities Operations Manager EJ Wentzel says “We’ve been watching the weather forecast and the reservoir levels and have reached the point where we need to act.”
The situation was made more urgent when the rain expected over the weekend didn’t eventuate.
“We appreciate that many of our Western Bay communities are already doing their bit to conserve water. Let’s keep up the good work and turn it up a notch.
“Western Bay residents and holidaymakers alike have been enjoying a classic Kiwi summer, but it is time for everyone to turn off their sprinklers and get savvy with their water use,” says EJ.
The small number of Council reserves (two rose gardens and two turfed cricket wicket blocks) maintained with town supply, are already on alternate day or evening watering.
How it works
Odd numbered houses have limited use of sprinklers on odd numbered days of the month. Vice versa, even numbered houses can have limited sprinkler use on even numbered days of the month. On permitted days, sprinkler use will be limited to one hour, before 7am or after 7pm.
For example
Residents at 9 Tui Street can use the sprinkler on 17, 19, 21 January.
Residents at 10 Tui Street can use their sprinkler on 18, 20, 22 January.
All sprinkler use is limited to one hour per day, before 7am and after 7pm on permitted days. This applies to everyone who gets their water from Council but excludes water from private sources, such as bores.
EJ says, “Sprinkler bans are the first stage of water restrictions. We implement them when water use outstrips how fast we can safely produce it, causing reservoir levels to drop.
“There are many ways to conserve water and if we all play our part and use water wisely, Council will hopefully avoid imposing further restrictions.
“Now is a great time to get creative and challenge your household to find new more water-savvy ways of doing things. If you need some inspiration, start with the water-wise tips on Council’s website.”
For tips on how to save water at home check out