Animal Services
Dangerous or menacing dogs
If you own a dog that is classified as dangerous or menacing, you have extra obligations.
Dog Exercise Areas
Dog Fees and Impound Costs
Fees and charges for the current registration year are available here.
Dog Infringements
I have received a dog infringement, what happens now?
Dog Registration
All dogs are required to be registered before they are 3 months of age. Registration is due 1 July each year. Find out how to register your dog.
Dog Control Policy and Bylaw
Our policy provides guidance and consistency for Council, staff and members of the public on the approach to dog control in this District.
Dogs for adoption
We're always on the lookout for new permanent, loving homes for the wonderful dogs that come into Council's care.
Dog Walking Areas
Find out more about where walking your dog is allowed.
Foster a Dog
We need more foster carers to temporarily care for a dog while we find it's forever home.
How to Contact Us
Phone us on 0800 926 732
Impounded Dogs
Microchipping your Dog
All dogs in the Western Bay need to be microchipped. Find out how to have your dog microchipped.
Moved to the Western Bay?
What you need to do If you have moved from another council district to the Western Bay.
Multiple Dogs
I want to keep more than two dogs in an urban area or five dogs in a rural area
News and Annual Report
Keep up to date with our latest news and reports.
Our Services
Read more about the work our Animal Services team does around the District.
Update Details
Inform us of any changes to you or your dog's details.
Wander Dogs Walk Series 2024/25
Find out more about our annual summer series celebrating dogs all over our District.