Newcomers Guide to the District
To all our new residents and ratepayers - welcome to the Western Bay of Plenty District!
This page is designed to help you understand our role, and put you in touch with the key information and contacts you'll need to help you settle in to our stunning District.
Your online information pack is below. Simply select any of the links that interest you.
What does my Council do?
Our role is to lead and represent our communities. We engage with our communities and encourage participation in decision-making, while considering the needs of people currently living in our District and those who will live there in the future.
- We provide leadership and representation through Councillors and Community Boards.
- We provide quality local infrastructure, local public services and regulatory functions in a way that is most cost-effective for households and businesses.
Your online welcome pack:
- Your Councillors - Names and contact details of His Worship the Mayor and Councillors so you know who your local politicians are.
- Your Community Board members - Names and contact details of your Community Board members.
- Citizens Advice Bureau - manages a database of community information and contacts on behalf of Council. This is where you go for information about community organisations, clubs to join, health and wellness and much, much more.
- Council Services - This A-Z list is a quick way to find information about any of the services Council provides in the District.
- Schools - Listing and contact details for schools in the Western Bay of Plenty and Tauranga City.
- Community Halls - Contact details for our local community halls - these are owned and operated by each community, in partnership with Council.
- Bay Of Plenty Civil Defence - For local information on emergency management - including planning for emergencies, or what to do in an emergency.
- Dogs of the Western Bay - Information on our dog control policy, the dog registration process, our adoption programme. and dog exercise areas. Contact us if you'd like a dog registration form emailed to you.
- Libraries
- The Western Bay has four library and service centres offering much more than just books. You can sign up here.
- Horse Riding - To find out where you can ride your horse, view Schedule 1 of the Reserves Bylaw. You can also ride your horse along tracks at TECT Park. (See below)
- Freedom Camping - Our Freedom Camping Bylaw was reviewed in 2015. Here you will find all the information you'll need for freedom camping in the Western Bay.
- Rates - Everything you need to know about Western Bay rates is here. We endeavour to make things as clear as possible for our ratepayers.
- Rubbish and Recycling - Information on household rubbish collection and recycling centres.
- TECT Park - Whether you're after some fast paced action, or a relaxing walk in the bush, TECT Park offers 1650 hectares of adult playground. The Park is home to many groups and activities including shooting, mountain biking, Adrenalin Forest, and our new off-leash dog exercise park! Check out their website for more information.
Kauri Point Wharf. Photo: RSNZ Photography.
Sharing your views
Have your say on local issues!
We are a customer focussed organisation that values your feedback because it helps us improve our services. We also encourage you to get involved in helping us plan for the future of our community.
You can share your views by responding to draft proposals, attending community meetings, or sharing your views online. Check out our engagement site
Get in touch
We'd love to hear from you once you've settled in. By getting in touch we can make sure all your details are up to date in our system, and keep you up date with any areas of interest - such as dog registration, rates, etc.
You can phone 07 571 8008 or email our Customer Service Team with your name, email address and a contact number - subject line 'Welcome to the district'. You can request to be emailed or mailed dog registration forms, or any other information you'd like in hard copy.
Want to know more?
Browse our website, keep an eye out for our update pages in local newspapers, or sign up to our online monthly news update here.
If you need anything else, or would like hard copies of any of this information, please contact our Customer Services team on 07 571 8008.
Welcoming newcomers to the district
We've put together some practical tips on how you can help newcomers settle in and have a sense of belonging in Western Bay of Plenty:
Click here for a "practical tips" poster (PDF, 119KB)

Orokawa Bay, Waihī Beach. Photo: RSNZ Photography