Getting there
End of Thompsons Track, Aongatete
Turn from State Highway 2 at Aongatete onto Thompsons Track. Follow Thompsons Track to the end. There's a car park available here.
About the walk
5 hour round trip, 7 km
From the car park at the end of Thompsons Track, this loop begins by descending along a
bulldozed path until it meets the Eliza Mine Track just after
a small stream. It then climbs to join an historic pack track
built to convey supplies and equipment to the mine by pack
The track follows the gully above the stream for an hour
before reaching the Mt Eliza junction. From here, follow the
steep ridge to the Eliza mine where a small clearing marks the
site of the miners’ camp and ore testing plant. The main mine
entrance is to the left.
To complete the loop,
return to the junction
and continue following
the path up the valley.
The path crosses the
Waitekohe Stream
and zigzags upwards
to meet Thompsons
Track. Follow this
roughly formed road
back down to the car
park. Keep a look out
for the 4WD vehicles
and mountain bikes
that also use this road.
Alternative route via Mt Eliza and the North South Track
From the Mt Eliza mine area the Mt Eliza Track
continues upwards to a short prospecting drive before
continuing on to the summit of Mt Eliza (40 minutes from the
mine). The track then continues westward for 1 hour to join
the North South Track. Motutapere Hut is a 20 minute walk
northwards from the junction of the Mt Eliza Track and the
North South Track.