The Development Code
The Development Code provides a means of compliance when designing, constructing and maintaining engineering works that are required:
- to fulfil conditions imposed by a resource consent,
- for works that fall within the requirements of the District Plan,
- if a consent is not required i.e. a permitted activity,
- for capital or maintenance works commissioned by Council.
The works apply to urban, rural residential and rural applications. Any alternative means of compliance submitted for approval (i.e. different design methods or philosophy or principles) will be considered on a case by case basis.
The Code is one document, divided into two main sections, Design and Construction
Strategic Alignment
Monitoring & Processing
Design Standards
DS1 - General Provisions
DS2 - Streetscape
DS3 - Reserves
DS4 - Transportation
DS5 - Stormwater
DS6 - Wastewater
DS7 - Water Supply
DS8 - Streetlighting
DS9 - Network Utilities
DS10 - Natural Hazards and Earthworks
DS11 - Wastewater Pump Stations
DS12 - Road Reserve Occupancy
DS13 - Rural 3 and Rural Residential Zone Requirements
This set of standards is intended for use by Developers, Consultants and Council Asset Managers, in the construction of infrastructure within Western Bay of Plenty District Council area.
CS1 - Preliminary and General
CS2 - Streetscape
CS3 - Reserves
CS4 - Transportation
CS5 & 6 - Stormwater and Wastewater
CS7 - Water Supply
CS8 - Streetlighting
CS9 - Network Utilities
CS10 - Land Stability & Earthworks
CS11 - Wastewater Pump Stations
CS12 - Road Reserve Occupancy
Approved Products and Materials
Western Bay of Plenty District Council and Tauranga City Council have agreed to operate under a single combined Approved Materials application and management process. This ensures a consistent and efficient approach for industry practitioners with regard to the greater Western Bay of Plenty area, whilst helping the Councils achieve their required outcomes.
Click here for the combined Approved Materials Lists, Process and Requirements.
Click here for the Approved Streetscape and Reserve Materials.
Standard Checksheets
Cert 1a - Section 224(c) Certification Statement
Cert 1b - Engineering Design Approval Application
Cert 1c - Financial Asset Register
Cert 1d - Quality Assurance Checksheet - Earthworks
Cert 1e - Quality Assurance Checksheet - Roading
Cert 1f - Quality Assurance Checksheet - Water Services
Cert 1h - Benchmark Record
Streetscape - Under Development
Reserves - Under Development
Cert 4a - Transportation Construction Certification
Cert 5a - Stormwater Construction Certification
Cert 6a - Wastewater Construction Certification
Water Supply
Cert 7a - Water Supply Construction Certification
Streetlighting - Under Development
Network Utilities - Under Development
Natural Hazards and Earthworks
Cert 10a - Guide for Geotechnical Report
Cert 10b - Suitability of Land for Development
Cert 10c - Suitability of Land for Building
As Built Specifications
The following as built specifications shall be used in the construction of infrastructure within Western Bay of Plenty District Council area.
AB1 - As Built Specification - Water Services
AB2 - As Built Specification - Roading
AB3 - As Built Specification - Reserves
Standard Drawings
The following standard drawings are provided for use in the design and construction of infrastructure within Western Bay of Plenty District Council area.
Drawings List
QA - Quality Assurance
W200 - Streetscape
W300 - Reserves
W400 - Transportation
W500 - Stormwater
W600 - Wastewater
W700 - Water Supply
W800 - Streetlighting
W900 - Network Utilities
W1100 - Wastewater Pump Stations