Resource Consent online application tips and tools
How do I know how far along I am in the application form?
The online form includes a progress tracker indicating how far through the form you are with a blue progress line. At the right hand side of the progress tracker are numbers indicating the number of pages and a drop down arrow that allows you to navigate between the pages of the form.
I got an error message saying I hadn't completed all the required fields - how can I tell where I've missed something?
If you've missed some information there are a couple of ways to finding out where. You'll immediately notice the project tracker at the top of your screen changes colour from blue to orange. By clicking on the drop down arrow on the progress tracker at the top right of your screen, you'll see an exclamation mark directing you to the page where more information is required. On the page itself you should notice a red error message at the top of the page and the required information field highlighted also.
How do I title my Documentation ?
We would like to inform all applicants submitting documents for their application to the Council that a new document naming requirement has been implemented. This ensures better organisation and quick identification of documents. Please ensure that your files are renamed accordingly before submission to avoid any delays in processing your application. We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to this new requirement.
All submitted files must be named using the following format Please read through this titling convention and title your documents accordingly
Can I load more than one file at a time?
The system only allows one file to be uploaded at a time. You can upload files by browsing but also by dragging and dropping a file over the upload button
What if I need others in my office to upload information or review what is being applied for?
You can share the application with others by using the 'share' function from the my account options. There are different permissions you can give others especially before the application has been submitted including the ability for another person to update, attach files, submit etc.
What if I forgot to upload some information?
You can upload additional information relating to your application at any point in the process via the portal. When you select the application from 'my account' view it will give you an option to select 'file' which includes an upload button very similar to the one you would have used when lodging the application. The Consents team will be notified if you've uploaded some new information this way.
What if I need to change some details or a file after I've submitted the application?
If you need to change any details after submitting your application you can select the application you want to add or change and use the 'files' function to upload any new information or messaging to Council. The Consents team will be notified if you've uploaded some new information relating to your application.
Why can't I multi-select applications so I can apply for more than one at the same time?
There are three reasons we've only enabled one application to be submitted at one time. Firstly we've created a series of application forms which are specific to each application type to assist customers in providing the right information for the right application type. Secondly there are specific fees that are calculated and apply for each application type. And thirdly, the duplicate function is available which quickly replicates all the same information and files as a starting point for related applications required.
How can I show my client what I've applied for?
When you submit an application on behalf of a client and provide their email address they will automatically receive all email's relating to the application that are generated. They are able to log on to the portal themselves, but unless you've shared the application with them, they won't be able to see what has been applied for. There is an easy way to share access to the application with any additional person by using the 'share' function from the 'my account' options. Applications can be shared before or after submitting an application, and different levels of 'permission' can be given to the person the application is shared with.
How will I know what fees I have to pay?
When you fill out the application type on the first page, the system is able to calculate the corresponding fee required as set within Council's Fees and Charges schedule. Prior to submitting the application online a fee amount is confirmed for payment. You can access a full copy of Council's fees and charges from Council's website with links to this schedule also provided in the online application form.
Will I get a GST receipt when I pay online?
Yes. When an online credit card payment is received the system automatically generates a GST receipt to confirm payment received.
What if I forget my username or password?
The log-on page has a link and instructions to follow if you've forgotten your username or password so you can get back up and running.
I've received an email with a link to the portal, but I can't see the application in my profile?
The portal will show you a full range of all online services you can carry out with Council. It will show any application you have lodged. If an application has been lodged on your behalf i.e. you have a land development consultant engaged they can share the application with you and that will make it visible on your portal also.
Why is the reference number so long?
The reference number generated by the online system is quite long - but it makes more sense when you break it down. The first three letters RCA, RCV or RCP are initials for the application type being either a new, variation or post-decision resource consent application type. The first two numbers e.g. 19 are the year the application was created, the next two numbers are the month the application was created. The last five numbers are a unique number created in sequence as each online application is created over time.
Which reference number am I supposed to use now?
We will continue to use a consent reference number such as RC12345 and the new reference number generated by the online portal e.g. RCA190901234. Either one of these references will assist staff find the relevant consent information you are dealing with.
Why isn't there an option to pay via my bank account online?
You can pay for your application via online banking however at this stage the portal doesn't have a direct option to do this. One of the causes for a time delay that we're trying to minimise is the matching of an application to a fee paid separately via online banking. By using the credit card payment option or coming into a service centre to pay 'over the counter' will see a significant reduction to this delay for customers. We're working to provide online banking options in the future.
Is there a limit to the file size I can upload?
No there isn't a file size limit. You may notice if you have a lot of large files that the form takes a little longer to load but because the system is cloud based it allows us to easily upload and share larger files.