Construction of a Building on Land Subject to Natural Hazards
Can I build on land subject to a natural hazard?
Section 71 - 74 of the Building Act 2004 covers situations where people want to build on land that is subject to a real or potential hazard.
Section 71(3) of the Building Act 2004 defines a natural hazard as land subject to:-
- Erosion (including coastal erosion, bank erosion, and sheet erosion)
- Falling debris (including soil, rock, snow and ice)
- Subsidence
- Inundation (including flooding, overland flow, storm surge, tidal effects and ponding)
- Slippage
The answer to this question is "yes", provided the building work does not worsen the hazard or have an adverse effect on both your property and/or neighbouring property. You will be asked to produce technical evidence before a building consent application will be considered.
Please refer to our Land Stability & Soils Engineers webpage for more detailed information.
MBIE Guidance on Natural Hazards
MBIE Guidance on natural hazards
How do I get consent to build on such land?
Section 73 of the Building Act says that if Council issues a building consent on land subject to one or more natural hazards, then the Title must be endorsed to show that the building is on such land.
You cannot build on land subject to a natural hazard without Council issuing a building consent with an endorsement on the Title.
There are generally three potential scenarios:
- The hazard is not able to be mitigated for the land and/or buildings - In this case a building consent cannot be issued for the proposed work.
- The hazard can be mitigated for the building work but still remains on the land associated with the building. In this case, a building consent could be issued with the Section 73 endorsement on the Title.
- The hazard can be mitigated for both the building work and the land associated with the building. In this case, a building consent could potentially be issued without the Section 73 Title endorsement.
Effects of having an endorsement on my Title
Alerts subsequent buyers that the building is on land subject to a hazard.
The provision is to provide balance. Although Council has concerns about building when a natural hazard is present, legal action cannot be taken against Council for issuing the building consent. This allows Council to enable you to weigh up the risk yourself and continue with the project, as long as certain conditions are met.
How do I get the endorsement on my Title?
The requirement for the natural hazard/s to be recorded on the tile is only to be activated when a consent is applied for. Council will send out a form to be completed by the applicant and then returned to Council. This form serves as conformation that the applicant is aware of the hazard and considered the potential implications. The form is a safeguard for the applicant to ensure clarity. Failure to complete and return the form will not stop the Section 73 process.
A fee is charged for this service.
Where do the District Plan rules fit in?
The District Plan maps will identify the type and location of the specific hazard (stability or floodable areas for example) on the subject property.
Section 8 - "Natural Hazards" in the District Plan outlines the rules that depending on the nature of the works may require a Resource Consent application to be made. It is important to note that this application is in addition to any requirement for an application under the Building Act.
We suggest that you discuss the resource consent aspect with the Council's customer service planner by calling 0800 926 732.
For more natural hazards information, see our webpage.