Your views needed to continue shaping Western Bay’s Future District
NewsIs the Western Bay heading in the right direction for the next decade? We want to hear from you about what you love about living here and how you'd like to see the District progress.
Tanners Point Boat Ramp dredging
NewsFrom Thursday 17 September, Council's contractors will be starting maintenance work at the Tanners Point Boat Ramp.
Waihi Beach works
NewsTwo significant upgrade projects are being carried out in Waihi Beach over the next two weeks, starting from Monday 14 September.
‘Fantastical’ playground coming to Omokoroa
NewsOmokoroa is to get a new destination playground following approval of the $1.04 million development to replace the existing outdated playground on the Domain foreshore.
Omokoroa Library prepares to move house
NewsThe Omokoroa Library and Service Centre at McDonnell Street will be closed for business from 18 to 21 September 2020 while 10,000 books are shifted to the centre's new location in Western Ave.
Clean Up Week
NewsKeep New Zealand Beautiful’s Clean Up Week is on now! Be part of the country's largest litter clean up by joining your local community clean up event.
Pongakawa recycling drop-off resumes next month
NewsThe fortnightly mobile recycling drop-off at BP Pongakawa proved so successful that it will start again next month, running until 19 June 2021.
Street lights switch to eco-friendly across Western Bay
NewsThe conversion of 1500 lights to LED (light emitting diode) is underway, starting in Omokoroa and moving to Waihi Beach in late September, followed by Maketu in December and Te Puke in February.
Submissions close on Panepane Purakau proposal
NewsMayor Garry Webber says the level of feedback has been significant and he has thanked the community for their input.
Feedback invited on future recreation land near Maketu
NewsA three-hectare site at 83 Ford Road near Maketu is being considered for community use, and the community is invited to take part in the planning of how it may be used.
Have your say: plans for new mountain bike and horse riding trails
NewsPublic feedback is sought for a proposed new recreation area near Katikati dedicated to horse riding, mountain biking and walking.
Pukehina Beach accessway closed due to erosion
NewsThe beach accessway at No.183 Pukehina Parade is closed to the public following significant erosion at Pukehina in the last 48 hours due to the wet weather and a King Tide.
Kerbside rubbish and recycling collections to proceed in Western Bay
Kerbside CollectiveNewsMore than 1800 tonnes of rubbish will be diverted from landfill once a kerbside recycling and rubbish collection service begins in 2021, covering approximately 80 percent of the District.
Planned power outages for Maketu and Little Waihi
NewsPowerco will be conducting work in Maketu and Little Waihi on Thursday 20 August to ensure the power supply in the area is safe and reliable.
Cycleway trail diversion in Omokoroa
NewsContractors will be sealing the newly aligned trail section at the end of Lynley Park Drive from Tuesday 18 August.
Omokoroa ‘shovel ready’ project awarded $14m
NewsShovel ready roading and water projects in Omokoroa will soon get underway after receiving a $14 million grant from the government today.
Community views sought on Island View playground plan
NewsThe draft concept design for a playground and barbeque area at the Island View Reserve in Waihi Beach is out for community feedback.
Western Bay speed limit proposals out for public feedback
NewsWestern Bay of Plenty District Council is reviewing its Speed Limits Bylaw and is seeking your views on the proposed changes.
Council applauds $18m funding boost for Rangiuru Business Park
NewsWestern Bay of Plenty District Council is applauding an $18million Provincial Growth Fund boost that will see the 148 hectare Rangiuru Business Park begin to take shape.
Proposed return of ownership of Panepane Purakau
NewsWestern Bay of Plenty District Council today voted to progress a proposed return of ownership of the eastern end of Matakana Island to five local hapū. Under the proposal, public access will remain.