Deadline to lodge your EQC claim is fast approaching
Did your property suffer flooding or landslip damage in April?
If you have flood or landslip damage to the land around your home, or landslip damage to your home or contents lodge your claim with EQC now. You must already have home or contents insurance to qualify.
You have three months from the date of the damage, to lodge your claim. For example, if your property suffered landslip damage on 5 April, you have until 5 July to lodge your claim.
EQC covers damage to residential land within certain limits caused by storms and floods. EQC also covers damage to home, contents and land within certain limits caused by natural landslips.
Insurance companies cover house and contents damage according to the terms of their policy with the customer in the cases of storm and flood damage.
To lodge a claim, call EQC on 0800 DAMAGE (326 243) or visit The EQC Call Centre is open 7am-9pm on weekdays and 8am-6pm on Saturdays. It helps to have your private insurance policy at hand.
What does EQC cover for floods and storms?
- The land under a home or outbuildings (e.g. garage or sheds)
- The land within 8 metres of a home or outbuildings
- The land under or supporting the main access way, up to 60 metres from a dwelling, but not the driveway surfacing
- EQCover can also extend to cover some retaining walls and support systems necessary for the support or protection of a home, outbuildings, or insured land.
It is also important to note that bridges, culverts, and retaining walls that support the home or insured land are covered as part of EQC land cover. Where EQC pays out the value of the land, the indemnity value of the retaining walls bridges and culverts will be added to the land value. This means the valuation takes into account their age and state of repair.