Our Procurement Principles
1. Plan and manage for great results
- Identify what is needed, including appropriate broader outcomes and then plan how to get it.
- Team set up with right skills and experience (include partners and tangata whenua).
- Involve suppliers early – let them know what is wanted and keep talking.
- Take time to understand the market and our effect on it. Open to new ideas and solutions.
- Choose the right process – proportional to the size, complexity and risks.
- Encourage e-business (e.g. online communication, tenders).
- Actively target local businesses, including Māori and social enterprises
2. Fair to all suppliers
- Create competition and encourage capable suppliers to respond.
- Treat all suppliers equally – don’t discriminate.
- Make it easy for all suppliers (small & large) to do business with council
- Be open to subcontracting opportunities in big projects.
- Clearly explain how proposals will be assessed – so suppliers know what to focus on.
- Talk to unsuccessful suppliers – develop learning and know how to improve next time.
3. Get the right supplier
- Be clear about what is needed, and fairly assess suppliers – don’t string suppliers along.
- Choose the right supplier who can deliver what is needed, at a fair price and on time.
- Build demanding, but fair and productive, relationships with suppliers.
- Make it worthwhile for suppliers – encourage and reward them to deliver great results.
- Identify relevant risks and get the right person to manage them.
4. Get the best deal for everyone
- Get best public value – account for all costs and benefits over the lifetime of the outcomes.
- Make balanced decisions – consider the possible social, environmental, economic effects and cultural outcomes that should be achieved.
- Encourage and be receptive to new ideas and ways of doing things – don’t be too prescriptive.
- Take calculated risks and reward new ideas.
- Work with suppliers to make ongoing savings and improvements.
- It’s more than just agreeing the deal – be accountable for the results.
- Have clear performance measures – monitor and manage to make sure there is great results.
5. Play by the rules
- Be accountable, transparent and reasonable.
- Make sure everyone involved in the process acts responsibly, lawfully and with integrity.
- Stay impartial – identify and manage conflicts of interest.
- Protect suppliers’ commercially sensitive information and intellectual property.