Many councils in New Zealand have teamed up with SHE Health and Safety Software NZ Ltd to develop a streamlined pre-qualification process. The system is available to all councils throughout New Zealand to pre-qualify contractors.
This will ensure councils are using contractors who operate with effective health and safety management systems, and are holding current and relevant insurances.
SHE pre-qualification provides:
- An easier system that enables contractors to be pre-qualified for multiple councils through one process
- Improved relationships between contractors and councils
This process requires contractors to become pre-qualified every two years, with insurance renewals conducted annually. Should these expire in the system, councils will not allow you to carry out work for them until renewals are received.
The fees (paid online through SHE) are:
Less than five employees
| $280 + GST
Between five and 24 employees
| $525 + GST
25 and more employees
| $1025 + GST
Insurance renewals
| No cost
To help you attain SHE pre-qualification
See here for the information and evidence you need to provide when you submit your general SHE pre-qualification application using the online SHE Portal. Note: please do not complete this form – its purpose is to provide a guide only.
See here if you are a sole trader.
SHE Approved Contractor Database
As contractors become SHE pre-qualified, company/industry details are accessible on an approved contractor database. This provides visibility to contractors and Council staff to identify who is approved, and assists with tendering and procurement.
Apply for SHE pre-qualification