Maketu Community Board By-Election 2024
A by-election is required to fill an extraordinary vacancy on the Maketu Community Board. The vacancy has arisen from the recent election of Laura Rae to the Maketu-Te Puke Ward Councillor position.
Voting closed - midday Friday 1 November 2024
See Final Results (48KB PDF)
Voting is now open - Thursday 10 October to midday Friday 1 November
You can drop your voting paper into the orange ballot bins at the following locations:
- Maketu Beachside Café & Restaurant, 1 Ngaroma Lane, Maketu
- Te Puke Library and Service Centre, 130 Jellicoe Street, Te Puke
- Western Bay of Plenty District Council’s main office, Barkes Corner, 1484 Cameron Road, Greerton, Tauranga
Or post your voting paper into any NZ Post postbox or the DX mailbox. See list of all NZ Post and DX Mail locations in the Western Bay area.
Special voting
Haven’t received your voting pack? Changed your address? Or would you like some help to cast your vote? Or your voting pack is damaged?
As long as you are enrolled with the Electoral Commission you can cast a special vote, it takes less than five minutes to complete your declaration form as to why you need a special vote, and you can vote on site or take it away to vote later. Please bring your driver’s licence, passport, or RealMe verified ID to get enrolled.
Special Voting is available at the following locations:
- Te Puke Library and Service Centre, 130 Jellicoe Street, Te Puke
- Western Bay of Plenty District Council’s main office, Barkes Corner, 1484 Cameron Road, Greerton, Tauranga
- If you can’t come into any of our locations to cast a special vote, then we can send the voting pack to you. Please email
Ratepayer Elector / Non-resident Ratepayer
If you are enrolled with the Electoral Commission in one area, and pay rates on a property in our district, you are eligible for enrolment on the non-resident ratepayer roll.
First, it is important to understand the difference between a 'Residential Elector' and a 'Ratepayer Elector'.
- Residential Electors receive votes based on where they live.
- Ratepayer Electors receive votes based on where they own property.
You only get to vote once in any given election. For instance, if you own the property you live in, you do not get another vote as a ratepayer because you will already receive a vote as a residential elector.
To get yourself on the Non-resident ratepayer role you can either download and send in the Ratepayer Electoral Enrolment Form or you can use the Ratepayer Portal to register online.
You will need the following information handy if using either option:
- the address of the property where you live most of the time (residential address). This should be the address you are enrolled at on the parliamentary electoral roll.
- postal address, if different from your residential address
- address of the property you pay rates on, but do not live at
- the name(s) that appear on the rates notice for this property
- the valuation number and the legal description as they appear on the rates notice (if available)
- your contact details. These are used by the Electoral Officer to communicate with you about the enrolment.
Meet Brett Waterhouse and Susan (Huhana) Smith below. (Listed in alphabetical order - first name.)

Brett can be contacted at or 027 414 1484

Susan can be contacted at:
Key documents
- Candidate Handbook (PDF, 3.7MB)
- Candidate Statement - Brett Waterhouse.png (270.6KB)
- Candidate Statement - Susan (Huhana) Smith.png (322KB)
- Nomination Form (PDF, 166.5KB)
- Nomination Information (PDF, 87.5KB)
- Notice of By-Election (PDF, 99.7KB)
- WBOPDC_2024 Maketu CB By-election - Final Result.pdf (PDF, 45.4KB)
- WBOPDC_2024 Maketu CB By-election_Further Notice of Election_V1.pdf (PDF, 164.6KB)
Further Information
For further information regarding this election, please contact the electoral officer:
Warwick Lampp, Electoral Officer
Western Bay of Plenty District Council
C/o PO Box 3138, Christchurch 8140
Phone: 0800 666 048 | Email: